/* * example2.c is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * example2.c is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see . * */ /* * In this example the JSON library is used to analyze an object that some * properties are expected. */ #include #include #include #include "tiny-json.h" /* Parser a json string. */ int main( void ) { char const* msg = "{\n" "\t\"firstName\": \"Bidhan\",\n" "\t\"lastName\": \"Chatterjee\",\n" "\t\"age\": 40,\n" "\t\"address\": {\n" "\t\t\"streetAddress\": \"144 J B Hazra Road\",\n" "\t\t\"city\": \"Burdwan\",\n" "\t\t\"state\": \"Paschimbanga\",\n" "\t\t\"postalCode\": \"713102\"\n" "\t},\n" "\t\"phoneList\": [\n" "\t\t{ \"type\": \"personal\", \"number\": \"09832209761\" },\n" "\t\t{ \"type\": \"fax\", \"number\": \"91-342-2567692\" }\n" "\t]\n" "}\n"; char aux[512]; strcpy( aux, msg ); puts( aux ); json_t mem[32]; json_t const* json = json_create( aux, mem, sizeof mem / sizeof *mem ); if ( !json ) { puts("Error json create."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } json_t const* firstName = json_getProperty( json, "firstName" ); if ( !firstName || JSON_TEXT != json_getType( firstName ) ) { puts("Error, the first name property is not found."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } char const* firstNameVal = json_getValue( firstName ); if ( firstNameVal ) printf( "Fist Name: %s.\n", firstNameVal ); json_t const* lastName = json_getProperty( json, "lastName" ); if ( !lastName || JSON_TEXT != json_getType( lastName ) ) { puts("Error, the last name property is not found."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } char const* lastNameVal = json_getValue( lastName ); if ( lastName ) printf( "Last Name: %s.\n", lastNameVal ); json_t const* age = json_getProperty( json, "age" ); if ( !age || JSON_INTEGER != json_getType( age ) ) { puts("Error, the age property is not found."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int const ageVal = (int)json_getInteger( age ); printf( "Age: %d.\n", ageVal ); json_t const* phoneList = json_getProperty( json, "phoneList" ); if ( !phoneList || JSON_ARRAY != json_getType( phoneList ) ) { puts("Error, the phone list property is not found."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } json_t const* phone; for( phone = json_getChild( phoneList ); phone != 0; phone = json_getSibling( phone ) ) { if ( JSON_OBJ == json_getType( phone ) ) { json_t const* number = json_getProperty( phone, "number" ); if ( number ) { char const* numberVal = json_getValue( number ); if ( numberVal ) printf( "Number: %s.\n", numberVal ); } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }