You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

456 lines
16 KiB

* Developed by Rafa Garcia <>
* tiny-json.c is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* tiny-json.c is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with tiny-json.c. If not, see <>.
#include <string.h>
#include "tiny-json.h"
/** Structure to handle a heap of JSON properties. */
typedef struct jsonPool_s {
json_t* const mem; /**< Pointer to array of json properties. */
unsigned int const qty; /**< Length of the array of json properties. */
unsigned int nextFree; /**< The index of the next free json property. */
} jsonPool_t;
/* Search a property by its name in a JSON object. */
json_t const* json_getProperty( json_t const* obj, char const* property ) {
json_t const* sibling;
for( sibling = obj->u.child; sibling; sibling = sibling->sibling )
if ( sibling->name && !strcmp( sibling->name, property ) )
return sibling;
return 0;
/* Search a property by its name in a JSON object and return its value. */
char const* json_getPropertyValue( json_t const* obj, char const* property ) {
json_t const* field = json_getProperty( obj, property );
if ( !field ) return 0;
jsonType_t type = json_getType( field );
if ( JSON_ARRAY >= type ) return 0;
return json_getValue( field );
/* Internal prototypes: */
static char* goBlank( char* str );
static bool isNum( unsigned char ch );
static char* goNum( char* str );
static json_t* poolInit( jsonPool_t* pool );
static json_t* poolNew( jsonPool_t* pool );
static char* objValue( char* ptr, json_t* obj, jsonPool_t* pool );
static char* setToNull( char* ch );
static bool isEndOfPrimitive( char ch );
/* Parse a string to get a json. */
json_t const* json_create( char* str, json_t mem[], unsigned int qty ) {
char* ptr = goBlank( str );
if ( !ptr || *ptr != '{' ) return 0;
jsonPool_t pool = { .mem = mem, .qty = qty };
json_t* obj = poolInit( &pool );
obj->name = 0;
obj->sibling = 0;
obj->u.child = 0;
ptr = objValue( ptr, obj, &pool );
if ( !ptr ) return 0;
return obj;
/** Get a special character with its escape character. Examples:
* 'b' -> '\b', 'n' -> '\n', 't' -> '\t'
* @param ch The escape character.
* @return The character code. */
static char getEscape( char ch ) {
static struct { char ch; char code; } const pair[] = {
{ '\"', '\"' },
{ '\\', '\\' },
{ '/', '/' },
{ 'b', '\b' },
{ 'f', '\f' },
{ 'n', '\n' },
{ 'r', '\r' },
{ 't', '\t' },
unsigned int i;
for( i = 0; i < sizeof pair / sizeof *pair; ++i )
if ( pair[i].ch == ch )
return pair[i].code;
return '\0';
/** Check if a character is a hexadecimal digit. */
static bool isHexaDigit( unsigned char nibble ) {
if ( nibble < '0' ) return false;
if ( nibble <= '9' ) return true;
if ( nibble < 'A' ) return false;
if ( nibble <= 'F' ) return true;
if ( nibble < 'a' ) return false;
if ( nibble <= 'f' ) return true;
return false;
/** Parse 4 characters.
* @Param str Pointer to first digit.
* @retval '?' If the four characters are hexadecimal digits.
* @retcal '\0' In other cases. */
static char getCharFromUnicode( char const* str ) {
unsigned int i;
for( i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
if ( !isHexaDigit( str[i] ) )
return '\0';
return '?';
/** Parse a string and replace the scape characters by their meaning characters.
* This parser stops when finds the character '\"'. Then replaces '\"' by '\0'.
* @param str Pointer to first character.
* @retval Pointer to first non white space after the string. If success.
* @retval Null pointer if any error occur. */
static char* parseString( char* str ) {
char* head = str;
char* tail = str;
for( ; *head >= ' '; ++head, ++tail ) {
if ( *head == '\"' ) {
*tail = '\0';
return ++head;
if ( *head == '\\' ) {
if ( *++head == 'u' ) {
char const ch = getCharFromUnicode( ++head );
if ( ch == '\0' ) return 0;
*tail = ch;
head += 3;
else {
char const esc = getEscape( *head );
if ( esc == '\0' ) return 0;
*tail = esc;
else *tail = *head;
return 0;
/** Parse a string to get the name of a property.
* @param str Pointer to first character.
* @param property The property to assign the name.
* @retval Pointer to first of property value. If success.
* @retval Null pointer if any error occur. */
static char* propertyName( char* ptr, json_t* property ) {
property->name = ++ptr;
ptr = parseString( ptr );
if ( !ptr ) return 0;
ptr = goBlank( ptr );
if ( !ptr ) return 0;
if ( *ptr++ != ':' ) return 0;
return goBlank( ptr );
/** Parse a string to get the value of a property when its type is JSON_TEXT.
* @param str Pointer to first character ('\"').
* @param property The property to assign the name.
* @retval Pointer to first non white space after the string. If success.
* @retval Null pointer if any error occur. */
static char* textValue( char* ptr, json_t* property ) {
ptr = parseString( ++ptr );
if ( !ptr ) return 0;
property->type = JSON_TEXT;
return ptr;
/** Compare two strings until get the null character in the second one.
* @param ptr sub string
* @param str main string
* @retval Pointer to next character.
* @retval Null pointer if any error occur. */
static char* checkStr( char* ptr, char const* str ) {
while( *str )
if ( *ptr++ != *str++ )
return 0;
return ptr;
/** Parser a string to get a primitive value.
* If the first character after the value is different of '}' or ']' is set to '\0'.
* @param str Pointer to first character.
* @param property Property handler to set the value and the type, (true, false or null).
* @param value String with the primitive literal.
* @param type The code of the type. ( JSON_BOOLEAN or JSON_NULL )
* @retval Pointer to first non white space after the string. If success.
* @retval Null pointer if any error occur. */
static char* primitiveValue( char* ptr, json_t* property, char const* value, jsonType_t type ) {
ptr = checkStr( ptr, value );
if ( !ptr || !isEndOfPrimitive( *ptr ) ) return 0;
ptr = setToNull( ptr );
property->type = type;
return ptr;
/** Parser a string to get a true value.
* If the first character after the value is different of '}' or ']' is set to '\0'.
* @param str Pointer to first character.
* @param property Property handler to set the value and the type, (true, false or null).
* @retval Pointer to first non white space after the string. If success.
* @retval Null pointer if any error occur. */
static char* trueValue( char* ptr, json_t* property ) {
return primitiveValue( ptr, property, "true", JSON_BOOLEAN );
/** Parser a string to get a false value.
* If the first character after the value is different of '}' or ']' is set to '\0'.
* @param str Pointer to first character.
* @param property Property handler to set the value and the type, (true, false or null).
* @retval Pointer to first non white space after the string. If success.
* @retval Null pointer if any error occur. */
static char* falseValue( char* ptr, json_t* property ) {
return primitiveValue( ptr, property, "false", JSON_BOOLEAN );
/** Parser a string to get a null value.
* If the first character after the value is different of '}' or ']' is set to '\0'.
* @param str Pointer to first character.
* @param property Property handler to set the value and the type, (true, false or null).
* @retval Pointer to first non white space after the string. If success.
* @retval Null pointer if any error occur. */
static char* nullValue( char* ptr, json_t* property ) {
return primitiveValue( ptr, property, "null", JSON_NULL );
/** Analyze the exponential part of a real number.
* @param str Pointer to first character.
* @retval Pointer to first non numerical after the string. If success.
* @retval Null pointer if any error occur. */
static char* expValue( char* ptr ) {
if ( *ptr == '-' || *ptr == '+' ) ++ptr;
if ( !isNum( *ptr ) ) return 0;
ptr = goNum( ++ptr );
return ptr;
/** Analyze the decimal part of a real number.
* @param str Pointer to first character.
* @retval Pointer to first non numerical after the string. If success.
* @retval Null pointer if any error occur. */
static char* fraqValue( char* ptr ) {
if ( !isNum( *ptr ) ) return 0;
ptr = goNum( ++ptr );
if ( !ptr ) return 0;
return ptr;
/** Parser a string to get a numerical value.
* If the first character after the value is different of '}' or ']' is set to '\0'.
* @param str Pointer to first character.
* @param property Property handler to set the value and the type: JSON_REAL or JSON_INTEGER.
* @retval Pointer to first non white space after the string. If success.
* @retval Null pointer if any error occur. */
static char* numValue( char* ptr, json_t* property ) {
if ( *ptr == '-' ) ++ptr;
if ( !isNum( *ptr ) ) return 0;
if ( *ptr != '0' ) {
ptr = goNum( ptr );
if ( !ptr ) return 0;
else if ( isNum( *++ptr ) ) return 0;
property->type = JSON_INTEGER;
if ( *ptr == '.' ) {
ptr = fraqValue( ++ptr );
if ( !ptr ) return 0;
property->type = JSON_REAL;
if ( *ptr == 'e' || *ptr == 'E' ) {
ptr = expValue( ++ptr );
if ( !ptr ) return 0;
property->type = JSON_REAL;
if ( !isEndOfPrimitive( *ptr ) ) return 0;
if ( JSON_INTEGER == property->type ) {
char const* value = property->u.value;
bool const negative = *value == '-';
unsigned int const maxdigits = negative ? 20: 19;
unsigned int const len = ptr - value;
if ( len > maxdigits ) return 0;
if ( len == maxdigits ) {
char const tmp = *ptr;
*ptr = '\0';
char const* const min = "-9223372036854775808";
char const* const max = "9223372036854775807";
char const* const threshold = negative ? min: max;
if ( 0 > strcmp( threshold, value ) ) return 0;
*ptr = tmp;
ptr = setToNull( ptr );
return ptr;
/** Add a property to a JSON object or array.
* @param obj The handler of the JSON object or array.
* @param property The handler of the property to be added. */
static void add( json_t* obj, json_t* property ) {
property->sibling = 0;
if ( !obj->u.child ) obj->u.child = property;
else {
json_t* iter;
for( iter = obj->u.child; iter->sibling; iter = iter->sibling );
iter->sibling = property;
/** Parser a string to get a json object value.
* @param str Pointer to first character.
* @param pool The handler of a json pool for creating json instances.
* @retval Pointer to first character after the value. If success.
* @retval Null pointer if any error occur. */
static char* objValue( char* ptr, json_t* obj, jsonPool_t* pool ) {
obj->type = JSON_OBJ;
obj->u.child = 0;
obj->sibling = 0;
for(;;) {
ptr = goBlank( ptr );
if ( !ptr ) return 0;
if ( *ptr == ',' ) {
char const endchar = ( obj->type == JSON_OBJ )? '}': ']';
if ( *ptr == endchar ) {
*ptr = '\0';
json_t* parentObj = obj->sibling;
if ( !parentObj ) return ++ptr;
obj->sibling = 0;
obj = parentObj;
json_t* property = poolNew( pool );
if ( !property ) return 0;
if( obj->type != JSON_ARRAY ) {
if ( *ptr != '\"' ) return 0;
ptr = propertyName( ptr, property );
if ( !ptr ) return 0;
else property->name = 0;
add( obj, property );
property->u.value = ptr;
switch( *ptr ) {
case '{':
property->type = JSON_OBJ;
property->u.child = 0;
property->sibling = obj;
obj = property;
case '[':
property->type = JSON_ARRAY;
property->u.child = 0;
property->sibling = obj;
obj = property;
case '\"': ptr = textValue( ptr, property ); break;
case 't': ptr = trueValue( ptr, property ); break;
case 'f': ptr = falseValue( ptr, property ); break;
case 'n': ptr = nullValue( ptr, property ); break;
default: ptr = numValue( ptr, property ); break;
if ( !ptr ) return 0;
/** Initialize a json pool.
* @param pool The handler of the pool.
* @return a instance of a json. */
static json_t* poolInit( jsonPool_t* pool ) {
pool->nextFree = 1;
return &pool->mem[0];
/** Create an instance of a json from a pool.
* @param pool The handler of the pool.
* @retval The handler of the new instance if success.
* @retval Null pointer if the pool was empty. */
static json_t* poolNew( jsonPool_t* pool ) {
if ( pool->nextFree >= pool->qty ) return 0;
return &pool->mem[pool->nextFree++];
/** Checks whether an character belongs to set.
* @param ch Character value to be checked.
* @param set Set of characters. It is just a null-terminated string.
* @return true or false there is membership or not. */
static bool isOneOfThem( char ch, char const* set ) {
while( *set != '\0' )
if ( ch == *set++ )
return true;
return false;
/** Increases a pointer while it points to a character that belongs to a set.
* @param str The initial pointer value.
* @param set Set of characters. It is just a null-terminated string.
* @return The final pointer value or null pointer if the null character was found. */
static char* goWhile( char* str, char const* set ) {
for(; *str != '\0'; ++str ) {
if ( !isOneOfThem( *str, set ) )
return str;
return 0;
/** Set of characters that defines a blank. */
static char const* const blank = " \n\r\t\f";
/** Increases a pointer while it points to a white space character.
* @param str The initial pointer value.
* @return The final pointer value or null pointer if the null character was found. */
static char* goBlank( char* str ) {
return goWhile( str, blank );
/** Checks if a character is a decimal digit. */
static bool isNum( unsigned char ch ) {
return ch >= '0' && ch <= '9';
/** Increases a pointer while it points to a decimal digit character.
* @param str The initial pointer value.
* @return The final pointer value or null pointer if the null character was found. */
static char* goNum( char* str ) {
for( ; *str != '\0'; ++str ) {
if ( !isNum( *str ) )
return str;
return 0;
/** Set of characters that defines the end of an array or a JSON object. */
static char const* const endofblock = "}]";
/** Set a char to '\0' and increase its pointer if the char is different to '}' or ']'.
* @param ch Pointer to character.
* @return Final value pointer. */
static char* setToNull( char* ch ) {
if ( !isOneOfThem( *ch, endofblock ) ) *ch++ = '\0';
return ch;
/** Indicate if a character is the end of a primitive value. */
static bool isEndOfPrimitive( char ch ) {
return ch == ',' || isOneOfThem( ch, blank ) || isOneOfThem( ch, endofblock );