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2022-04-28 03:42:07 +00:00
<Window x:Class="WinUtility.MainWindow"
2022-05-17 14:42:56 +00:00
Title="Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility" Height="533" Width="786">
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<Button Content="Tweaks" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="40" Background="#333333" BorderThickness="0,0,0,0" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="#ffffff" Name="Tab2BT"/>
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<TabItem Header="Install" Visibility="Collapsed" Name="Tab1">
<Grid Background="#222222">
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<ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/>
<StackPanel Background="#777777" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Grid.Column="0" Margin="10">
<Label Content="Browsers" FontSize="16" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installbrave" Content="Brave" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installchrome" Content="Google Chrome" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installchromium" Content="Un-Googled Chromium" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installfirefox" Content="Firefox" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installlibrewolf" Content="LibreWolf" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installvivaldi" Content="Vivaldi" Margin="5,0"/>
<Label Content="Communications" FontSize="16" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installdiscord" Content="Discord" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installhexchat" Content="Hexchat" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installmatrix" Content="Matrix" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installsignal" Content="Signal" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installskype" Content="Skype" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installslack" Content="Slack" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installteams" Content="Microsoft Teams" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installzoom" Content="Zoom Video Conference" Margin="5,0"/>
<Label Content="Development" FontSize="16" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installatom" Content="Atom" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installgithubdesktop" Content="GitHub Desktop" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installjava8" Content="OpenJDK Java 8" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installjava16" Content="OpenJDK Java 16" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installjava18" Content="Oracle Java 18" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installjetbrains" Content="Jetbrains Toolbox" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installnodejs" Content="NodeJS" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installnodejslts" Content="NodeJS LTS" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installpython3" Content="Python3" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installrustlang" Content="Rust" Margin="5,0"/>
2022-05-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<CheckBox Name="Installsublime" Content="Sublime" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installvisualstudio" Content="Visual Studio 2022 Community" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installvscode" Content="VS Code" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installvscodium" Content="VS Codium" Margin="5,0"/>
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<Label Content="Document" FontSize="16" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installadobe" Content="Adobe Reader DC" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installlibreoffice" Content="LibreOffice" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installnotepadplus" Content="Notepad++" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installobsidian" Content="Obsidian" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installsumatra" Content="Sumatra PDF" Margin="5,0"/>
<Label Content="Games" FontSize="16" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installepicgames" Content="Epic Games Launcher" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installgog" Content="GOG Galaxy" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installsteam" Content="Steam" Margin="5,0"/>
<Label Content="Pro Tools" FontSize="16" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installadvancedip" Content="Advanced IP Scanner" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installmremoteng" Content="mRemoteNG" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installputty" Content="Putty" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installscp" Content="WinSCP" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installwireshark" Content="WireShark" Margin="5,0"/>
<Label Content="Multimedia Tools" FontSize="16" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installaudacity" Content="Audacity" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installblender" Content="Blender (3D Graphics)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installeartrumpet" Content="Eartrumpet (Audio)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installflameshot" Content="Flameshot (Screenshots)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installfoobar" Content="Foobar2000 (Music Player)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installgimp" Content="GIMP (Image Editor)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installgreenshot" Content="Greenshot (Screenshots)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installhandbrake" Content="HandBrake" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installimageglass" Content="ImageGlass (Image Viewer)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installinkscape" Content="Inkscape" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installmpc" Content="Media Player Classic (Video Player)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installobs" Content="OBS Studio" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installsharex" Content="ShareX (Screenshots)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installspotify" Content="Spotify" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installvlc" Content="VLC (Video Player)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installvoicemeeter" Content="Voicemeeter (Audio)" Margin="5,0"/>
<StackPanel Background="#777777" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Grid.Column="2" Margin="10">
<Label Content="Utilities" FontSize="16" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installalacritty" Content="Alacritty Terminal" Margin="5,0"/>
2022-05-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<CheckBox Name="Installanydesk" Content="AnyDesk" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installautohotkey" Content="AutoHotkey" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installbitwarden" Content="Bitwarden" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installcpuz" Content="CPU-Z" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installetcher" Content="Etcher USB Creator" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installesearch" Content="Everything Search" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installgpuz" Content="GPU-Z" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installhwinfo" Content="HWInfo" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installkeepass" Content="KeePassXC" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installmalwarebytes" Content="MalwareBytes" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installnvclean" Content="NVCleanstall" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installpowertoys" Content="Microsoft Powertoys" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installrevo" Content="RevoUninstaller" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installrufus" Content="Rufus Imager" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installsevenzip" Content="7-Zip" Margin="5,0"/>
2022-05-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<CheckBox Name="Installteamviewer" Content="TeamViewer" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installttaskbar" Content="Translucent Taskbar" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installtreesize" Content="TreeSize Free" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installwindirstat" Content="WinDirStat" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installterminal" Content="Windows Terminal" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Installtwinkletray" Content="Twinkle Tray" Margin="5,0"/>
2022-05-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<Button Name="install" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Start Install" Margin="20,5,20,5" ToolTip="Install all checked programs"/>
<Button Name="InstallUpgrade" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Upgrade Installs" Margin="20,5,20,5" ToolTip="Upgrade All Existing Programs on System"/>
<TabItem Header="Tweaks" Visibility="Collapsed" Name="Tab2">
<Grid Background="#333333">
<ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/>
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<RowDefinition Height="1*"/>
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<StackPanel Background="#777777" Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Row="0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">
<Label Content="Recommended Selections:" FontSize="17" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Name="desktop" Content="Desktop" Margin="7"/>
<Button Name="laptop" Content="Laptop" Margin="7"/>
<Button Name="minimal" Content="Minimal" Margin="7"/>
<StackPanel Background="#777777" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Margin="10,5">
<Label FontSize="16" Content="Essential Tweaks"/>
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksRP" Content="Create Restore Point" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksOO" Content="Run O and O Shutup" Margin="5,0"/>
2022-05-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksTele" Content="Disable Telemetry" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksWifi" Content="Disable Wifi-Sense" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksAH" Content="Disable Activity History" Margin="5,0"/>
2022-09-25 18:45:55 +00:00
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksDeleteTempFiles" Content="Delete Temporary Files" Margin="5,0"/>
2022-05-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksLoc" Content="Disable Location Tracking" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksHome" Content="Disable Homegroup" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksStorage" Content="Disable Storage Sense" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksHiber" Content="Disable Hibernation" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksDVR" Content="Disable GameDVR" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksServices" Content="Set Services to Manual" Margin="5,0"/>
<StackPanel Background="#777777" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="10,5">
<Label FontSize="16" Content="Misc. Tweaks"/>
<CheckBox Name="MiscTweaksPower" Content="Disable Power Throttling" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="MiscTweaksLapPower" Content="Enable Power Throttling" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="MiscTweaksNum" Content="Enable NumLock on Startup" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="MiscTweaksLapNum" Content="Disable Numlock on Startup" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="MiscTweaksExt" Content="Show File Extensions" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="MiscTweaksDisplay" Content="Set Display for Performance" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="MiscTweaksUTC" Content="Set Time to UTC (Dual Boot)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="MiscTweaksDisableUAC" Content="Disable UAC" Margin="5,0"/>
2022-05-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<CheckBox Name="EssTweaksDeBloat" Content="Remove ALL MS Store Apps" Margin="5,0"/>
<Button Name="tweaksbutton" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Run Tweaks" Margin="20,10,20,0"/>
<Button Name="undoall" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Undo All Tweaks" Margin="20,5"/>
<TabItem Header="Config" Visibility="Collapsed" Name="Tab3">
<Grid Background="#444444">
<ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/>
<StackPanel Background="#777777" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Grid.Column="0" Margin="10,5">
<Label Content="Features" FontSize="16"/>
<CheckBox Name="Featuresdotnet" Content="All .Net Framework (2,3,4)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Featureshyperv" Content="HyperV Virtualization" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Featureslegacymedia" Content="Legacy Media (WMP, DirectPlay)" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Featurenfs" Content="NFS - Network File System" Margin="5,0"/>
<CheckBox Name="Featurewsl" Content="Windows Subsystem for Linux" Margin="5,0"/>
<Button Name="FeatureInstall" FontSize="14" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Install Features" Margin="20,5,20,0" Padding="10"/>
<Label Content="Fixes" FontSize="16"/>
<Button Name="FixesUpdate" FontSize="14" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Reset Windows Update" Margin="20,5,20,0" Padding="10"/>
Test (#94) * xml decouple * Typos: Documents, Start installs (#18) Document -> Documents Start install -> Start installs Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> * Added DISM command and button to tool (#19) * Added DISM command and button to tool * Added additional scans and colours to make it clear when each scan type starts Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> * Fix issue in #14 (#20) * Fix issue in #14 - It seems that Chris forgot to add a button for the Repair Windows Update Script and accidentally put it under the Default Windows Update Settings button. - Fixed by adding the $WPFFixesUpdate.Add_Click function before the Reset Script - Fixes #14 * decoupling xaml and ps1 (#7) Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> Co-authored-by: Rahul Somasundaram <> Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> * Add winget check and installer (#21) * Add winget check and installer - Adds Check if winget is installed - If not installed, checks if the computer is running 1809+ and if the computer is running Windows Server or LTSC - If running pre-1809, winget install stops as it is not supported - If running Windows Server or Windows LTSC, runs alternative installer compatible with those editions of Windows * decoupling xaml and ps1 (#7) Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> Co-authored-by: Rahul Somasundaram <> Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> * Small Fixes. (#22) * Update winutil.ps1 * Use Curl instead of Bits transfer for O&O Shutup. * Update winutil.ps1 * decoupling xaml and ps1 (#7) Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> Co-authored-by: Rahul Somasundaram <> Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> * upload example (#12) Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> * code format using powershell VS code extension (#28) * Working runspaces (#32) * upload example * decoupling xaml and ps1 (#7) Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> * Update * convert to runspaces * add security updates to invoke-button * Update removed extra text about test branch * initial commit to test restmethod * formatting Co-authored-by: Rahul Somasundaram <> Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> * Fix bug in #39 (#40) - Closes #39 - $arch is not set to a value in the script, and it throws an error when the If-Statement is called - Fixed by replacing the $arch variable check with a wmic check * Fix and Tweak #19 (#43) * Fix Issue in #19 - Pull Request #19 didn't add an entry for PanelDISM into MainWindow.xaml, causing an error to be thrown when the script if executed and a button to not be created - Fixed by adding an entry into MainWIndow.xaml that creates the needed button under the FixesUpdate button - Note: To see the fix, you need to comment line 9 and uncomment line 8 to use the local MainWindow.xaml instead of the one in the Main Branch * Fix Formatting and Tweak Things - Fixed the formatting - Tweaked Write-Host's - Added newlines (`n) to space out the Statuses - Added progress indicators - Required "s and 's to be swapped so x/4 does not perform an operation * Slight Tweak * Added Uncheck all button in the Install tab (#29) * Revert "Added Uncheck all button in the Install tab (#29)" (#72) This reverts commit 833837155af3d1c0a91f28e78ed2bf8c4aedea65. * Throw warning if no programs are selected for installation (#30) Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> * Fix a few spelling errors (#44) - Fixed a few spelling errors - dependancies -> dependencies - Evnronment -> Environment - haved -> have - Hibernte -> Hibernate - histroy -> history - extentions -> extensions * Arguments (#52) * Implement Arguments - Using $env:args, the script scans for arguments; then if found, Invokes the Runspace associated with said arg. Or in the case of the old panels, just opens the panel. - \b is to prevent mutual words from causing issues (Ex: Install and InstallUpgrade would conflict without \b) * Actually add \b Forgot to save before previous commit : | * Fix Order Issue - The arg check occurred too early, causing an error * Remove Invoke-Runspace - Replaced Invoke-Runspace with Invoke-Command as there is no need to worry about the gui when running unattended * Add Program Install Arg Check - Added arg check for Install - Format is 'Install: company.program,.company.program2' Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> * Replace all instances of "incase" to "in case" (#60) Co-authored-by: Chris Titus <> * Added -NoRestart to WindowsOptionalFeature (#65) * Handled UAC exit on install and upgrade (#31) Co-authored-by: ChrisTitusTech <> Co-authored-by: Ayoub Hebbaj <> Co-authored-by: Jards <> Co-authored-by: Carter <> Co-authored-by: Rahul Somasundaram <> Co-authored-by: Aetopia <> Co-authored-by: DeveloperDurp <> Co-authored-by: Rahul Somasundaram <> Co-authored-by: GrahamboJangles <> Co-authored-by: PWall <>
2022-09-05 18:32:48 +00:00
<Button Name="PanelDISM" FontSize="14" Background="AliceBlue" Content="System Corruption Scan" Margin="20,5,20,0" Padding="10"/>
2022-05-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<StackPanel Background="#777777" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Grid.Column="1" Margin="10,5">
<Label Content="Legacy Windows Panels" FontSize="16"/>
<Button Name="Panelcontrol" FontSize="14" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Control Panel" Margin="20,5,20,5" Padding="10"/>
<Button Name="Panelnetwork" FontSize="14" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Network Connections" Margin="20,0,20,5" Padding="10"/>
<Button Name="Panelpower" FontSize="14" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Power Panel" Margin="20,0,20,5" Padding="10"/>
<Button Name="Panelsound" FontSize="14" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Sound Settings" Margin="20,0,20,5" Padding="10"/>
<Button Name="Panelsystem" FontSize="14" Background="AliceBlue" Content="System Properties" Margin="20,0,20,5" Padding="10"/>
<Button Name="Paneluser" FontSize="14" Background="AliceBlue" Content="User Accounts" Margin="20,0,20,5" Padding="10"/>
<TabItem Header="Updates" Visibility="Collapsed" Name="Tab4">
<Grid Background="#555555">
<StackPanel Background="#777777" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Grid.Row="0" Margin="10,5">
<TextBlock Text="This is the default settings that come with Windows. No modifications are made and will remove any custom windows update settings." Margin="20,0,20,0" Padding="10" TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow" MaxWidth="300"/>
<Button Name="Updatesdefault" FontSize="16" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Default (Out of Box) Settings" Margin="20,0,20,10" Padding="10"/>
<StackPanel Background="#777777" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Grid.Row="1" Margin="10,5">
2022-06-30 02:39:10 +00:00
<TextBlock Text="This is my recommended setting I use on all computers. It will delay feature updates by 2 years and will install security updates 4 days after release. These are the settings I use in business environments." Margin="20,0,20,0" Padding="10" TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow" MaxWidth="300"/>
2022-05-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<Button Name="Updatessecurity" FontSize="16" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Security (Recommended) Settings" Margin="20,0,20,10" Padding="10"/>
<StackPanel Background="#777777" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Grid.Row="2" Margin="10,5">
<TextBlock Text="This completely disables ALL Windows Updates and is NOT RECOMMENDED. You system will be easier to hack and infect without security updates. However, it can be suitable if you use your system for a select purpose and do not actively browse the internet." Margin="20,0,20,0" Padding="10" TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow" MaxWidth="300"/>
<Button Name="Updatesdisable" FontSize="16" Background="AliceBlue" Content="Disable ALL Updates (NOT RECOMMENDED!)" Margin="20,0,20,10" Padding="10"/>
2022-06-30 02:39:10 +00:00