mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 18:05:29 +00:00
* Replace Tabs with Spaces to follow the conventions
* Add Preprocessing in Compiler
* Compile from Anywhere you want - Running 'Compile.ps1' Works in any directory you call it from
* Code Formatting Changes
* Result of Preprocessing Step in 'Compile.ps1' Script - Remove Trailing Whitespace Characters
* Make Preprocessing more advanced
* Move Preprocessing to a separate script file
* Make Self Modification impossible for 'tools/Do-PreProcessing.ps1' Script - Make the workingdir same as sync.PSScriptRoot for consistency
* Revert commit b5dffd671f
* Patched a Bug of some Excluded Files not actually get excluded in 'Get-ChildItem' PS Cmdlet
* Update Replace Regex for Code Formatting in 'Do-PreProcessing' Script Tool
* Rename 'Do-PreProcessing' to 'Invoke-Preprocessing' - Update some Comments
* Make 'Invoke-Preprocessing' Modular - Update RegEx to handle more cases - Update Documentation - Add Validations & Useful feedback upon error
* Replace Tabs with Spaces to follow the conventions - 'applications.json' File
* Code Formatting Changes - 'Copy-Files' Private Function
* Update Replace Regex for Code Formatting in 'Invoke-Preprocessing' Script Tool
* Replace Tabs with Spaces to follow the conventions - Make 'ExcludedFiles' validation step check all filepaths before finally checking if any has failed
* Result of 'Invoke-Preprocessing' Script
* Update Replace Regex for Code Formatting in 'Invoke-Preprocessing' Script Tool
82 lines
3.2 KiB
82 lines
3.2 KiB
# Import Config Files
$global:importedconfigs = @{}
Get-ChildItem .\config | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq ".json"} | ForEach-Object {
$global:importedconfigs[$psitem.BaseName] = Get-Content $psitem.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
# Tests - Application Installs
Describe "Config Files" -ForEach @(
name = "applications"
config = $('{
"winget": "value",
"choco": "value",
"category": "value",
"content": "value",
"description": "value",
"link": "value"
}' | ConvertFrom-Json)
name = "tweaks"
undo = $true
) {
Context "$name config file" {
It "Imports with no errors" {
$global:importedconfigs.$name | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
if ($config) {
It "Imports should be the correct structure" {
$applications = $global:importedconfigs.$name | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
$template = $config | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
$result = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
Foreach ($application in $applications) {
$compare = $global:importedconfigs.$name.$application | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
if ($(Compare-Object $compare $template) -ne $null) {
$result | Select-String "WPF*" | should -BeNullOrEmpty
if($undo) {
It "Tweaks should contain original Value" {
$tweaks = $global:importedconfigs.$name | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
$result = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
foreach ($tweak in $tweaks) {
$Originals = @(
name = "registry"
value = "OriginalValue"
name = "service"
value = "OriginalType"
name = "ScheduledTask"
value = "OriginalState"
Foreach ($original in $Originals) {
$TotalCount = ($global:importedconfigs.$name.$tweak.$($original.name)).count
$OriginalCount = ($global:importedconfigs.$name.$tweak.$($original.name).$($original.value) | Where-Object {$_}).count
if($TotalCount -ne $OriginalCount) {
$result | Select-String "WPF*" | should -BeNullOrEmpty