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synced 2025-03-14 02:25:31 +00:00
* Hyperlink to CustomDialogs - added ability to add hyperlinks to CustomDialogs - Added custom Dialog for every item in the About Section - added custom link to see the commits of the day of the version the script is on - added hover effect for linked items * Fix - change version link to match changes made to release - removed date formatting as it is not needed anymore - Renamed Github Link to "ChrisTitusTech/winutil" because you can't select the text but click on it to open the link directly so it is unnecessary * fix opening link - switched method to open hyperlinks old: [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start new: Start-Process
272 lines
11 KiB
272 lines
11 KiB
function Show-CustomDialog {
Displays a custom dialog box with an image, heading, message, and an OK button.
This function creates a custom dialog box with the specified message and additional elements such as an image, heading, and an OK button. The dialog box is designed with a green border, rounded corners, and a black background.
The message to be displayed in the dialog box.
The width of the custom dialog window.
The height of the custom dialog window.
Show-CustomDialog -Message "This is a custom dialog with a message and an image above." -Width 300 -Height 200
[int]$Width = 300,
[int]$Height = 200
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework
# Define theme colors
$foregroundColor = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::White
$backgroundColor = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Black
$font = New-Object Windows.Media.FontFamily("Consolas")
$borderColor = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Green
$buttonBackgroundColor = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Black
$buttonForegroundColor = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::White
$shadowColor = [Windows.Media.ColorConverter]::ConvertFromString("#AAAAAAAA")
# Create a custom dialog window
$dialog = New-Object Windows.Window
$dialog.Title = "About"
$dialog.Height = $Height
$dialog.Width = $Width
$dialog.Margin = New-Object Windows.Thickness(10) # Add margin to the entire dialog box
$dialog.WindowStyle = [Windows.WindowStyle]::None # Remove title bar and window controls
$dialog.ResizeMode = [Windows.ResizeMode]::NoResize # Disable resizing
$dialog.WindowStartupLocation = [Windows.WindowStartupLocation]::CenterScreen # Center the window
$dialog.Foreground = $foregroundColor
$dialog.Background = $backgroundColor
$dialog.FontFamily = $font
# Create a Border for the green edge with rounded corners
$border = New-Object Windows.Controls.Border
$border.BorderBrush = $borderColor
$border.BorderThickness = New-Object Windows.Thickness(1) # Adjust border thickness as needed
$border.CornerRadius = New-Object Windows.CornerRadius(10) # Adjust the radius for rounded corners
# Create a drop shadow effect
$dropShadow = New-Object Windows.Media.Effects.DropShadowEffect
$dropShadow.Color = $shadowColor
$dropShadow.Direction = 270
$dropShadow.ShadowDepth = 5
$dropShadow.BlurRadius = 10
# Apply drop shadow effect to the border
$dialog.Effect = $dropShadow
$dialog.Content = $border
# Create a grid for layout inside the Border
$grid = New-Object Windows.Controls.Grid
$border.Child = $grid
# Add the following line to show gridlines
#$grid.ShowGridLines = $true
# Add the following line to set the background color of the grid
$grid.Background = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Transparent
# Add the following line to make the Grid stretch
$grid.HorizontalAlignment = [Windows.HorizontalAlignment]::Stretch
$grid.VerticalAlignment = [Windows.VerticalAlignment]::Stretch
# Add the following line to make the Border stretch
$border.HorizontalAlignment = [Windows.HorizontalAlignment]::Stretch
$border.VerticalAlignment = [Windows.VerticalAlignment]::Stretch
# Set up Row Definitions
$row0 = New-Object Windows.Controls.RowDefinition
$row0.Height = [Windows.GridLength]::Auto
$row1 = New-Object Windows.Controls.RowDefinition
$row1.Height = [Windows.GridLength]::new(1, [Windows.GridUnitType]::Star)
$row2 = New-Object Windows.Controls.RowDefinition
$row2.Height = [Windows.GridLength]::Auto
# Add Row Definitions to Grid
# Add StackPanel for horizontal layout with margins
$stackPanel = New-Object Windows.Controls.StackPanel
$stackPanel.Margin = New-Object Windows.Thickness(10) # Add margins around the stack panel
$stackPanel.Orientation = [Windows.Controls.Orientation]::Horizontal
$stackPanel.HorizontalAlignment = [Windows.HorizontalAlignment]::Left # Align to the left
$stackPanel.VerticalAlignment = [Windows.VerticalAlignment]::Top # Align to the top
[Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetRow($stackPanel, 0) # Set the row to the second row (0-based index)
$viewbox = New-Object Windows.Controls.Viewbox
$viewbox.Width = 25
$viewbox.Height = 25
# Combine the paths into a single string
# $cttLogoPath = @"
# M174 1094 c-4 -14 -4 -55 -2 -92 3 -57 9 -75 41 -122 41 -60 45 -75 22 -84 -25 -9 -17 -21 30 -44 l45 -22 0 -103 c0 -91 3 -109 26 -155 30 -60 65 -87 204 -157 l95 -48 110 58 c184 96 205 127 205 293 l0 108 45 22 c47 23 55 36 30 46 -22 8 -18 30 9 63 13 16 34 48 46 71 20 37 21 52 15 116 l-6 73 -69 -23 c-38 -12 -137 -59 -220 -103 -82 -45 -160 -81 -171 -81 -12 0 -47 15 -78 34 -85 51 -239 127 -309 151 l-62 22 -6 -23z m500 -689 c20 -8 36 -19 36 -24 0 -18 -53 -51 -80 -51 -28 0 -80 33 -80 51 0 10 55 38 76 39 6 0 28 -7 48 -15z
# M177 711 c-19 -88 4 -242 49 -318 43 -74 107 -127 232 -191 176 -90 199 -84 28 7 -169 91 -214 129 -258 220 -29 58 -32 74 -37 190 -4 90 -8 116 -14 92z
# M1069 610 c-4 -131 -5 -137 -38 -198 -43 -79 -89 -119 -210 -181 -53 -27 -116 -61 -141 -76 -74 -43 -6 -20 115 40 221 109 296 217 294 425 -1 144 -16 137 -20 -10z
# "@
$cttLogoPath = @"
M 18.00,14.00
C 18.00,14.00 45.00,27.74 45.00,27.74
45.00,27.74 57.40,34.63 57.40,34.63
57.40,34.63 59.00,43.00 59.00,43.00
59.00,43.00 59.00,83.00 59.00,83.00
55.35,81.66 46.99,77.79 44.72,74.79
41.17,70.10 42.01,59.80 42.00,54.00
42.00,51.62 42.20,48.29 40.98,46.21
38.34,41.74 25.78,38.60 21.28,33.79
16.81,29.02 18.00,20.20 18.00,14.00 Z
M 107.00,14.00
C 109.01,19.06 108.93,30.37 104.66,34.21
100.47,37.98 86.38,43.10 84.60,47.21
83.94,48.74 84.01,51.32 84.00,53.00
83.97,57.04 84.46,68.90 83.26,72.00
81.06,77.70 72.54,81.42 67.00,83.00
67.00,83.00 67.00,43.00 67.00,43.00
67.00,43.00 67.99,35.63 67.99,35.63
67.99,35.63 80.00,28.26 80.00,28.26
80.00,28.26 107.00,14.00 107.00,14.00 Z
M 19.00,46.00
C 21.36,47.14 28.67,50.71 30.01,52.63
31.17,54.30 30.99,57.04 31.00,59.00
31.04,65.41 30.35,72.16 33.56,78.00
38.19,86.45 46.10,89.04 54.00,93.31
56.55,94.69 60.10,97.20 63.00,97.22
65.50,97.24 68.77,95.36 71.00,94.25
76.42,91.55 84.51,87.78 88.82,83.68
94.56,78.20 95.96,70.59 96.00,63.00
96.01,60.24 95.59,54.63 97.02,52.39
98.80,49.60 103.95,47.87 107.00,47.00
107.00,47.00 107.00,67.00 107.00,67.00
106.90,87.69 96.10,93.85 80.00,103.00
76.51,104.98 66.66,110.67 63.00,110.52
60.33,110.41 55.55,107.53 53.00,106.25
46.21,102.83 36.63,98.57 31.04,93.68
16.88,81.28 19.00,62.88 19.00,46.00 Z
# Add SVG path
$svgPath = New-Object Windows.Shapes.Path
$svgPath.Data = [Windows.Media.Geometry]::Parse($cttLogoPath)
$svgPath.Fill = $foregroundColor # Set fill color to white
# Add SVG path to Viewbox
$viewbox.Child = $svgPath
# Add SVG path to the stack panel
# Add "Winutil" text
$winutilTextBlock = New-Object Windows.Controls.TextBlock
$winutilTextBlock.Text = "Winutil"
$winutilTextBlock.FontSize = 18 # Adjust font size as needed
$winutilTextBlock.Foreground = $foregroundColor
$winutilTextBlock.Margin = New-Object Windows.Thickness(10, 5, 10, 5) # Add margins around the text block
# Add TextBlock for information with text wrapping and margins
$messageTextBlock = New-Object Windows.Controls.TextBlock
$messageTextBlock.TextWrapping = [Windows.TextWrapping]::Wrap # Enable text wrapping
$messageTextBlock.HorizontalAlignment = [Windows.HorizontalAlignment]::Left
$messageTextBlock.VerticalAlignment = [Windows.VerticalAlignment]::Top
$messageTextBlock.Margin = New-Object Windows.Thickness(10) # Add margins around the text block
# Define the Regex to find hyperlinks formatted as HTML <a> tags
$regex = [regex]::new('<a href="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</a>')
$lastPos = 0
# Iterate through each match and add regular text and hyperlinks
foreach ($match in $regex.Matches($Message)) {
# Add the text before the hyperlink, if any
$textBefore = $Message.Substring($lastPos, $match.Index - $lastPos)
if ($textBefore.Length -gt 0) {
$messageTextBlock.Inlines.Add((New-Object Windows.Documents.Run($textBefore)))
# Create and add the hyperlink
$hyperlink = New-Object Windows.Documents.Hyperlink
$hyperlink.NavigateUri = New-Object System.Uri($match.Groups[1].Value)
$hyperlink.TextDecorations = [Windows.TextDecorations]::None # Remove underline
$hyperlink.Foreground = $foregroundColor
param($sender, $args)
Start-Process $sender.NavigateUri.AbsoluteUri
param($sender, $args)
$sender.Foreground = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::LightGray
param($sender, $args)
$sender.Foreground = $foregroundColor
# Update the last position
$lastPos = $match.Index + $match.Length
# Add any remaining text after the last hyperlink
if ($lastPos -lt $Message.Length) {
$textAfter = $Message.Substring($lastPos)
$messageTextBlock.Inlines.Add((New-Object Windows.Documents.Run($textAfter)))
# If no matches, add the entire message as a run
if ($regex.Matches($Message).Count -eq 0) {
$messageTextBlock.Inlines.Add((New-Object Windows.Documents.Run($Message)))
# Add the TextBlock to the Grid
[Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetRow($messageTextBlock, 1) # Set the row to the second row (0-based index)
# Add OK button
$okButton = New-Object Windows.Controls.Button
$okButton.Content = "OK"
$okButton.Width = 80
$okButton.Height = 30
$okButton.HorizontalAlignment = [Windows.HorizontalAlignment]::Center
$okButton.VerticalAlignment = [Windows.VerticalAlignment]::Bottom
$okButton.Margin = New-Object Windows.Thickness(0, 0, 0, 10)
$okButton.Background = $buttonBackgroundColor
$okButton.Foreground = $buttonForegroundColor
$okButton.BorderBrush = $borderColor
[Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetRow($okButton, 2) # Set the row to the third row (0-based index)
# Handle Escape key press to close the dialog
if ($_.Key -eq 'Escape') {
# Set the OK button as the default button (activated on Enter)
$okButton.IsDefault = $true
# Show the custom dialog