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synced 2025-03-12 18:15:30 +00:00
* Update Documentation for 'Get-TabXaml' Function * Add More checks for Passed Parameters for 'Get-TabXaml' Function & A One Line change * Make 'Get-TabXaml' Function do Proper Indentation to the Generated XML String & Add more Theming Options * Re-formatting for a few lines in 'Get-TabXaml' Function * Improve UI a bit * Fix Buttons for Config Tab * Add optional 'ButtonWidth' Field to Config Json Files that use 'Button' Type * Simple Code Formatting in 'inputXML.xaml' File * Make naming More Clear to the Developers Rename the name of an element from 'CheckboxFilterClear' to 'SearchBarClearButton' and renamed style from 'ClearButtonStyle' to 'SearchBarClearButtonStyle' * Rename 'FontFamilyHeading' to 'HeaderFontFamily' to match conventions & Make new Theming Property called 'SearchBarClearButtonFontSize' * Remove Un-necessary 'ToString' Convertion in 'Get-TabXaml' Function * Make naming More Clear to the Developers again Rename the name of an element from 'CheckboxFilter' to 'SearchBar'.. although after some realization.. the naming might make sense at first, because it filters only the checkboxes.. but CheckBoxFilter is less "Intutive" when saying it compared to "SearchBar".. _This's my own opinion, and it can reverted easily with git if needed._ * Remove Un-necessary Attributes in 'Get-TabXaml' Private Function * Improve UI a bit * Improve UI a bit * Re-order some tweaks & Update their Content Fields to be more descriptive * Remove the changing 'Off' & 'On' TextBlock next to Toggle Button/Checkbox Removed it as it only takes up space in the right side of the Toggle Button/Checkbox, as well as making it difficult to correctly align it when change from/to 'On' & 'Off' Text, * Some changes to the Generated Toggle Button/Checkbox in 'Get-TabXaml' Private Function Increase the Side Margins of Toggle Button/Checkbox, as well as Change its side to be on the Left hand-side of the Label, rather then the Right hand-side.
218 lines
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218 lines
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function Get-TabXaml {
Generates XAML for a tab in the WinUtil GUI
This function is used to generate the XAML for the applications tab in the WinUtil GUI
It takes the tabname and the number of columns to display the applications in as input and returns the XAML for the tab as output
.PARAMETER tabname
The name of the tab to generate XAML for
Note: the 'tabname' parameter must equal one of the json files found in $sync.configs variable
Otherwise, it'll throw an exception
.PARAMETER columncount
The number of columns to display the applications in, default is 0
The XAML for the tab
Get-TabXaml "applications" 3
[Parameter(Mandatory, position=0)]
[ValidateRange(0,10)] # 10 panels as max number is more then enough
[int]$columncount = 0
# Validate tabname
if ($sync.configs.$tabname -eq $null) {
throw "Invalid parameter passed, can't find '$tabname' in '`$sync.configs' variable, please double check any calls to 'Get-TabXaml' function."
$organizedData = @{}
# Iterate through JSON data and organize by panel and category
foreach ($appName in $sync.configs.$tabname.PSObject.Properties.Name) {
$appInfo = $sync.configs.$tabname.$appName
# Create an object for the application
$appObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = $appName
Category = $appInfo.Category
Content = $appInfo.Content
Choco = $appInfo.choco
Winget = $appInfo.winget
Panel = if ($columncount -gt 0 ) { "0" } else {$appInfo.panel}
Link = $appInfo.link
Description = $appInfo.description
# Type is (Checkbox,Toggle,Button,Combobox ) (Default is Checkbox)
Type = $appInfo.type
ComboItems = $appInfo.ComboItems
# Checked is the property to set startup checked status of checkbox (Default is false)
Checked = $appInfo.Checked
ButtonWidth = $appInfo.ButtonWidth
if (-not $organizedData.ContainsKey($appObject.panel)) {
$organizedData[$appObject.panel] = @{}
if (-not $organizedData[$appObject.panel].ContainsKey($appObject.Category)) {
$organizedData[$appObject.panel][$appObject.Category] = @{}
# Store application data in a sub-array under the category
# Add Order property to keep the original order of tweaks and features
$organizedData[$appObject.panel][$appInfo.Category]["$($appInfo.order)$appName"] = $appObject
# Same tab amount in last line of 'inputXML.xaml' file
# TODO: Get the base repeat (amount) of tabs from last line (or even lines)
# so it can dynamicly react to whatever is before this generated XML string.
# .. may be solve this even before calling this function, and pass the result as a parameter?
$tab_repeat = 7
$spaces_per_tab = 4 # The convenction used across the code base
$tab_as_spaces = $(" " * $spaces_per_tab)
$precal_indent = $($tab_as_spaces * $tab_repeat)
$precal_indent_p1 = $($tab_as_spaces * ($tab_repeat + 1))
$precal_indent_p2 = $($tab_as_spaces * ($tab_repeat + 2))
$precal_indent_m1 = $($tab_as_spaces * ($tab_repeat - 1))
$precal_indent_m2 = $($tab_as_spaces * ($tab_repeat - 2))
# Calculate the needed number of panels
$panelcount = 0
$paneltotal = $organizedData.Keys.Count
if ($columncount -gt 0) {
$appcount = $sync.configs.$tabname.PSObject.Properties.Name.count + $organizedData["0"].Keys.count
$maxcount = [Math]::Round( $appcount / $columncount + 0.5)
$paneltotal = $columncount
# add ColumnDefinitions to evenly draw colums
$blockXml = "<Grid.ColumnDefinitions>"
$blockXml += $("`r`n" + " " * ($spaces_per_tab * $tab_repeat) +
"<ColumnDefinition Width=""*""/>") * $paneltotal
$blockXml += $("`r`n" + " " * ($spaces_per_tab * ($tab_repeat - 1))) +
"</Grid.ColumnDefinitions>" + "`r`n"
# Iterate through 'organizedData' by panel, category, and application
$count = 0
foreach ($panel in ($organizedData.Keys | Sort-Object)) {
$blockXml += $precal_indent_m1 + "<Border Grid.Row=""1"" Grid.Column=""$panelcount"">" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent + "<StackPanel Background=""{MainBackgroundColor}"" SnapsToDevicePixels=""True"">" + "`r`n"
foreach ($category in ($organizedData[$panel].Keys | Sort-Object)) {
if ($columncount -gt 0) {
$panelcount2 = [Int](($count)/$maxcount-0.5)
if ($panelcount -eq $panelcount2 ) {
$blockXml += $precal_indent_p2 + "</StackPanel>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent_p1 + "</Border>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent_p1 + "<Border Grid.Row=""1"" Grid.Column=""$panelcount"">" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent_p2 + "<StackPanel Background=""{MainBackgroundColor}"" SnapsToDevicePixels=""True"">" + "`r`n"
# Dot-source the Get-WPFObjectName function
. .\functions\private\Get-WPFObjectName
$categorycontent = $($category -replace '^.__', '')
$categoryname = Get-WPFObjectName -type "Label" -name $categorycontent
$blockXml += $("`r`n" + " " * ($spaces_per_tab * $tab_repeat)) +
"<Label Name=""$categoryname"" Content=""$categorycontent""" + " " +
"FontSize=""{FontSizeHeading}"" FontFamily=""{HeaderFontFamily}""/>" + "`r`n" + "`r`n"
$sortedApps = $organizedData[$panel][$category].Keys | Sort-Object
foreach ($appName in $sortedApps) {
if ($columncount -gt 0) {
$panelcount2 = [Int](($count)/$maxcount-0.5)
# Verify the indentation actually works...
if ($panelcount -eq $panelcount2 ) {
$blockXml += $precal_indent_m1 +
"</StackPanel>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent_m2 +
"</Border>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent_m2 +
"<Border Grid.Row=""1"" Grid.Column=""$panelcount"">" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent_m1 +
"<StackPanel Background=""{MainBackgroundColor}"" SnapsToDevicePixels=""True"">" + "`r`n"
$appInfo = $organizedData[$panel][$category][$appName]
switch ($appInfo.Type) {
"Toggle" {
$blockXml += $precal_indent_m1 +
"<DockPanel LastChildFill=""True"">" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent +
"<CheckBox Name=""$($appInfo.Name)"" Style=""{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}"" Margin=""4,0""" + " " +
"HorizontalAlignment=""Right"" FontSize=""{FontSize}""/>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent +
"<Label Content=""$($appInfo.Content)"" ToolTip=""$($appInfo.Description)""" + " " +
"HorizontalAlignment=""Left"" FontSize=""{FontSize}""/>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent_m1 +
"</DockPanel>" + "`r`n"
"Combobox" {
$blockXml += $precal_indent_m1 +
"<StackPanel Orientation=""Horizontal"" Margin=""0,5,0,0"">" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent + "<Label Content=""$($appInfo.Content)"" HorizontalAlignment=""Left""" + " " +
"VerticalAlignment=""Center"" FontSize=""{FontSize}""/>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent +
"<ComboBox Name=""$($appInfo.Name)"" Height=""32"" Width=""186"" HorizontalAlignment=""Left""" + " " +
"VerticalAlignment=""Center"" Margin=""5,5"" FontSize=""{FontSize}"">" + "`r`n"
foreach ($comboitem in ($appInfo.ComboItems -split " ")) {
$blockXml += $precal_indent_p1 +
"<ComboBoxItem $addfirst Content=""$comboitem"" FontSize=""{FontSize}""/>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent_p1 + "</ComboBox>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent + "</StackPanel>" + "`r`n"
"Button" {
if ($appInfo.ButtonWidth -ne $null) {
$ButtonWidthStr = "Width=""$($appInfo.ButtonWidth)"""
$blockXml += $precal_indent +
"<Button Name=""$($appInfo.Name)"" Content=""$($appInfo.Content)""" + " " +
"HorizontalAlignment=""Left"" Margin=""5"" Padding=""20,5"" $($ButtonWidthStr)/>" + "`r`n"
# else it is a checkbox
default {
$checkedStatus = If ($appInfo.Checked -eq $null) {""} Else {" IsChecked=""$($appInfo.Checked)"""}
if ($appInfo.Link -eq $null) {
$blockXml += $precal_indent +
"<CheckBox Name=""$($appInfo.Name)"" Content=""$($appInfo.Content)""$($checkedStatus) Margin=""5,0""" + " " +
"ToolTip=""$($appInfo.Description)""/>" + "`r`n"
} else {
$blockXml += $precal_indent +
"<StackPanel Orientation=""Horizontal"">" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent_p1 +
"<CheckBox Name=""$($appInfo.Name)"" Content=""$($appInfo.Content)""$($checkedStatus)" + " " +
"ToolTip=""$($appInfo.Description)"" Margin=""0,0,2,0""/>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent_p1 +
"<TextBlock Name=""$($appInfo.Name)Link"" Style=""{StaticResource HoverTextBlockStyle}"" Text=""(?)""" + " " +
"ToolTip=""$($appInfo.Link)""/>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent +
"</StackPanel>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent_p1 + "</StackPanel>" + "`r`n"
$blockXml += $precal_indent + "</Border>" + "`r`n"
return ($blockXml)