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synced 2025-03-12 18:15:30 +00:00
* Update Documentation for 'Get-TabXaml' Function * Add More checks for Passed Parameters for 'Get-TabXaml' Function & A One Line change * Make 'Get-TabXaml' Function do Proper Indentation to the Generated XML String & Add more Theming Options * Re-formatting for a few lines in 'Get-TabXaml' Function * Improve UI a bit * Fix Buttons for Config Tab * Add optional 'ButtonWidth' Field to Config Json Files that use 'Button' Type * Simple Code Formatting in 'inputXML.xaml' File * Make naming More Clear to the Developers Rename the name of an element from 'CheckboxFilterClear' to 'SearchBarClearButton' and renamed style from 'ClearButtonStyle' to 'SearchBarClearButtonStyle' * Rename 'FontFamilyHeading' to 'HeaderFontFamily' to match conventions & Make new Theming Property called 'SearchBarClearButtonFontSize' * Remove Un-necessary 'ToString' Convertion in 'Get-TabXaml' Function * Make naming More Clear to the Developers again Rename the name of an element from 'CheckboxFilter' to 'SearchBar'.. although after some realization.. the naming might make sense at first, because it filters only the checkboxes.. but CheckBoxFilter is less "Intutive" when saying it compared to "SearchBar".. _This's my own opinion, and it can reverted easily with git if needed._ * Remove Un-necessary Attributes in 'Get-TabXaml' Private Function * Improve UI a bit * Improve UI a bit * Re-order some tweaks & Update their Content Fields to be more descriptive * Remove the changing 'Off' & 'On' TextBlock next to Toggle Button/Checkbox Removed it as it only takes up space in the right side of the Toggle Button/Checkbox, as well as making it difficult to correctly align it when change from/to 'On' & 'Off' Text, * Some changes to the Generated Toggle Button/Checkbox in 'Get-TabXaml' Private Function Increase the Side Margins of Toggle Button/Checkbox, as well as Change its side to be on the Left hand-side of the Label, rather then the Right hand-side.
286 lines
12 KiB
286 lines
12 KiB
function Show-CustomDialog {
Displays a custom dialog box with an image, heading, message, and an OK button.
This function creates a custom dialog box with the specified message and additional elements such as an image, heading, and an OK button. The dialog box is designed with a green border, rounded corners, and a black background.
The message to be displayed in the dialog box.
The width of the custom dialog window.
The height of the custom dialog window.
The Font Size for text shown inside the custom dialog window.
.PARAMETER HeaderFontSize
The Font Size for the Header of the custom dialog window.
The Size to use for Icon inside the custom dialog window.
Show-CustomDialog -Message "This is a custom dialog with a message and an image above." -Width 300 -Height 200
[int]$Width = 300,
[int]$Height = 200,
[int]$FontSize = 10,
[int]$HeaderFontSize = 14,
[int]$IconSize = 25
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework
# Define theme colors
$foregroundColor = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::White
$backgroundColor = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Black
$font = New-Object Windows.Media.FontFamily("Consolas")
$borderColor = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Green
$buttonBackgroundColor = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Black
$buttonForegroundColor = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::White
$shadowColor = [Windows.Media.ColorConverter]::ConvertFromString("#AAAAAAAA")
# Create a custom dialog window
$dialog = New-Object Windows.Window
$dialog.Title = "About"
$dialog.Height = $Height
$dialog.Width = $Width
$dialog.Margin = New-Object Windows.Thickness(10) # Add margin to the entire dialog box
$dialog.WindowStyle = [Windows.WindowStyle]::None # Remove title bar and window controls
$dialog.ResizeMode = [Windows.ResizeMode]::NoResize # Disable resizing
$dialog.WindowStartupLocation = [Windows.WindowStartupLocation]::CenterScreen # Center the window
$dialog.Foreground = $foregroundColor
$dialog.Background = $backgroundColor
$dialog.FontFamily = $font
$dialog.FontSize = $FontSize
# Create a Border for the green edge with rounded corners
$border = New-Object Windows.Controls.Border
$border.BorderBrush = $borderColor
$border.BorderThickness = New-Object Windows.Thickness(1) # Adjust border thickness as needed
$border.CornerRadius = New-Object Windows.CornerRadius(10) # Adjust the radius for rounded corners
# Create a drop shadow effect
$dropShadow = New-Object Windows.Media.Effects.DropShadowEffect
$dropShadow.Color = $shadowColor
$dropShadow.Direction = 270
$dropShadow.ShadowDepth = 5
$dropShadow.BlurRadius = 10
# Apply drop shadow effect to the border
$dialog.Effect = $dropShadow
$dialog.Content = $border
# Create a grid for layout inside the Border
$grid = New-Object Windows.Controls.Grid
$border.Child = $grid
# Add the following line to show gridlines
#$grid.ShowGridLines = $true
# Add the following line to set the background color of the grid
$grid.Background = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Transparent
# Add the following line to make the Grid stretch
$grid.HorizontalAlignment = [Windows.HorizontalAlignment]::Stretch
$grid.VerticalAlignment = [Windows.VerticalAlignment]::Stretch
# Add the following line to make the Border stretch
$border.HorizontalAlignment = [Windows.HorizontalAlignment]::Stretch
$border.VerticalAlignment = [Windows.VerticalAlignment]::Stretch
# Set up Row Definitions
$row0 = New-Object Windows.Controls.RowDefinition
$row0.Height = [Windows.GridLength]::Auto
$row1 = New-Object Windows.Controls.RowDefinition
$row1.Height = [Windows.GridLength]::new(1, [Windows.GridUnitType]::Star)
$row2 = New-Object Windows.Controls.RowDefinition
$row2.Height = [Windows.GridLength]::Auto
# Add Row Definitions to Grid
# Add StackPanel for horizontal layout with margins
$stackPanel = New-Object Windows.Controls.StackPanel
$stackPanel.Margin = New-Object Windows.Thickness(10) # Add margins around the stack panel
$stackPanel.Orientation = [Windows.Controls.Orientation]::Horizontal
$stackPanel.HorizontalAlignment = [Windows.HorizontalAlignment]::Left # Align to the left
$stackPanel.VerticalAlignment = [Windows.VerticalAlignment]::Top # Align to the top
[Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetRow($stackPanel, 0) # Set the row to the second row (0-based index)
$viewbox = New-Object Windows.Controls.Viewbox
$viewbox.Width = $IconSize
$viewbox.Height = $IconSize
# Combine the paths into a single string
# $cttLogoPath = @"
# M174 1094 c-4 -14 -4 -55 -2 -92 3 -57 9 -75 41 -122 41 -60 45 -75 22 -84 -25 -9 -17 -21 30 -44 l45 -22 0 -103 c0 -91 3 -109 26 -155 30 -60 65 -87 204 -157 l95 -48 110 58 c184 96 205 127 205 293 l0 108 45 22 c47 23 55 36 30 46 -22 8 -18 30 9 63 13 16 34 48 46 71 20 37 21 52 15 116 l-6 73 -69 -23 c-38 -12 -137 -59 -220 -103 -82 -45 -160 -81 -171 -81 -12 0 -47 15 -78 34 -85 51 -239 127 -309 151 l-62 22 -6 -23z m500 -689 c20 -8 36 -19 36 -24 0 -18 -53 -51 -80 -51 -28 0 -80 33 -80 51 0 10 55 38 76 39 6 0 28 -7 48 -15z
# M177 711 c-19 -88 4 -242 49 -318 43 -74 107 -127 232 -191 176 -90 199 -84 28 7 -169 91 -214 129 -258 220 -29 58 -32 74 -37 190 -4 90 -8 116 -14 92z
# M1069 610 c-4 -131 -5 -137 -38 -198 -43 -79 -89 -119 -210 -181 -53 -27 -116 -61 -141 -76 -74 -43 -6 -20 115 40 221 109 296 217 294 425 -1 144 -16 137 -20 -10z
# "@
$cttLogoPath = @"
M 18.00,14.00
C 18.00,14.00 45.00,27.74 45.00,27.74
45.00,27.74 57.40,34.63 57.40,34.63
57.40,34.63 59.00,43.00 59.00,43.00
59.00,43.00 59.00,83.00 59.00,83.00
55.35,81.66 46.99,77.79 44.72,74.79
41.17,70.10 42.01,59.80 42.00,54.00
42.00,51.62 42.20,48.29 40.98,46.21
38.34,41.74 25.78,38.60 21.28,33.79
16.81,29.02 18.00,20.20 18.00,14.00 Z
M 107.00,14.00
C 109.01,19.06 108.93,30.37 104.66,34.21
100.47,37.98 86.38,43.10 84.60,47.21
83.94,48.74 84.01,51.32 84.00,53.00
83.97,57.04 84.46,68.90 83.26,72.00
81.06,77.70 72.54,81.42 67.00,83.00
67.00,83.00 67.00,43.00 67.00,43.00
67.00,43.00 67.99,35.63 67.99,35.63
67.99,35.63 80.00,28.26 80.00,28.26
80.00,28.26 107.00,14.00 107.00,14.00 Z
M 19.00,46.00
C 21.36,47.14 28.67,50.71 30.01,52.63
31.17,54.30 30.99,57.04 31.00,59.00
31.04,65.41 30.35,72.16 33.56,78.00
38.19,86.45 46.10,89.04 54.00,93.31
56.55,94.69 60.10,97.20 63.00,97.22
65.50,97.24 68.77,95.36 71.00,94.25
76.42,91.55 84.51,87.78 88.82,83.68
94.56,78.20 95.96,70.59 96.00,63.00
96.01,60.24 95.59,54.63 97.02,52.39
98.80,49.60 103.95,47.87 107.00,47.00
107.00,47.00 107.00,67.00 107.00,67.00
106.90,87.69 96.10,93.85 80.00,103.00
76.51,104.98 66.66,110.67 63.00,110.52
60.33,110.41 55.55,107.53 53.00,106.25
46.21,102.83 36.63,98.57 31.04,93.68
16.88,81.28 19.00,62.88 19.00,46.00 Z
# Add SVG path
$svgPath = New-Object Windows.Shapes.Path
$svgPath.Data = [Windows.Media.Geometry]::Parse($cttLogoPath)
$svgPath.Fill = $foregroundColor # Set fill color to white
# Add SVG path to Viewbox
$viewbox.Child = $svgPath
# Add SVG path to the stack panel
# Add "Winutil" text
$winutilTextBlock = New-Object Windows.Controls.TextBlock
$winutilTextBlock.Text = "Winutil"
$winutilTextBlock.FontSize = $HeaderFontSize
$winutilTextBlock.Foreground = $foregroundColor
$winutilTextBlock.Margin = New-Object Windows.Thickness(10, 5, 10, 5) # Add margins around the text block
# Add TextBlock for information with text wrapping and margins
$messageTextBlock = New-Object Windows.Controls.TextBlock
$messageTextBlock.TextWrapping = [Windows.TextWrapping]::Wrap # Enable text wrapping
$messageTextBlock.HorizontalAlignment = [Windows.HorizontalAlignment]::Left
$messageTextBlock.VerticalAlignment = [Windows.VerticalAlignment]::Top
$messageTextBlock.Margin = New-Object Windows.Thickness(10) # Add margins around the text block
# Define the Regex to find hyperlinks formatted as HTML <a> tags
$regex = [regex]::new('<a href="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</a>')
$lastPos = 0
# Iterate through each match and add regular text and hyperlinks
foreach ($match in $regex.Matches($Message)) {
# Add the text before the hyperlink, if any
$textBefore = $Message.Substring($lastPos, $match.Index - $lastPos)
if ($textBefore.Length -gt 0) {
$messageTextBlock.Inlines.Add((New-Object Windows.Documents.Run($textBefore)))
# Create and add the hyperlink
$hyperlink = New-Object Windows.Documents.Hyperlink
$hyperlink.NavigateUri = New-Object System.Uri($match.Groups[1].Value)
$hyperlink.TextDecorations = [Windows.TextDecorations]::None # Remove underline
$hyperlink.Foreground = $foregroundColor
param($sender, $args)
Start-Process $sender.NavigateUri.AbsoluteUri
param($sender, $args)
$sender.Foreground = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::LightGray
param($sender, $args)
$sender.Foreground = $foregroundColor
# Update the last position
$lastPos = $match.Index + $match.Length
# Add any remaining text after the last hyperlink
if ($lastPos -lt $Message.Length) {
$textAfter = $Message.Substring($lastPos)
$messageTextBlock.Inlines.Add((New-Object Windows.Documents.Run($textAfter)))
# If no matches, add the entire message as a run
if ($regex.Matches($Message).Count -eq 0) {
$messageTextBlock.Inlines.Add((New-Object Windows.Documents.Run($Message)))
# Add the TextBlock to the Grid
[Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetRow($messageTextBlock, 1) # Set the row to the second row (0-based index)
# Add OK button
$okButton = New-Object Windows.Controls.Button
$okButton.Content = "OK"
$okButton.FontSize = $FontSize
$okButton.Width = 80
$okButton.Height = 30
$okButton.HorizontalAlignment = [Windows.HorizontalAlignment]::Center
$okButton.VerticalAlignment = [Windows.VerticalAlignment]::Bottom
$okButton.Margin = New-Object Windows.Thickness(0, 0, 0, 10)
$okButton.Background = $buttonBackgroundColor
$okButton.Foreground = $buttonForegroundColor
$okButton.BorderBrush = $borderColor
[Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetRow($okButton, 2) # Set the row to the third row (0-based index)
# Handle Escape key press to close the dialog
if ($_.Key -eq 'Escape') {
# Set the OK button as the default button (activated on Enter)
$okButton.IsDefault = $true
# Show the custom dialog