# all folders and files are relative to the path # where fileb0x was run at! # default: main pkg = "static" # destination dest = "./static/" # gofmt # type: bool # default: false fmt = true # build tags for the main b0x.go file tags = "" # updater allows you to update a b0x in a running server # without having to restart it [updater] # disabled by default enabled = false # empty mode creates a empty b0x file with just the # server and the filesystem, then you'll have to upload # the files later using the cmd: # fileb0x -update=http://server.com:port b0x.toml # # it avoids long compile time empty = false # amount of uploads at the same time workers = 3 # to get a username and password from a env variable # leave username and password blank (username = "") # then set your username and password in the env vars # (no caps) -> fileb0x_username and fileb0x_password username = "user" password = "pass" port = 8041 # compress files # at the moment, only supports gzip # # type: object [compression] # activates the compression # # type: bool # default: false compress = false # valid values are: # -> "NoCompression" # -> "BestSpeed" # -> "BestCompression" # -> "DefaultCompression" or "" # # type: string # default: "DefaultCompression" // when: Compress == true && Method == "" method = "" # true = do it yourself (the file is written as gzip compressed file into the memory file system) # false = decompress files at run time (while writing file into memory file system) # # type: bool # default: false keep = false # --------------- # -- DANGEROUS -- # --------------- # # cleans the destination folder (only b0xfiles) # you should use this when using the spread function # type: bool # default: false clean = false # default: ab0x.go output = "ab0x.go" # [noprefix] disables adding "a" prefix to output # type: bool # default: false noprefix = false # [unexporTed] builds non-exporTed functions, variables and types... # type: bool # default: false unexporTed = false # [spread] means it will make a file to hold all fileb0x data # and each file into a separaTed .go file # # example: # theres 2 files in the folder assets, they're: hello.json and world.txt # when spread is activaTed, fileb0x will make a file: # b0x.go or [output]'s data, assets_hello.json.go and assets_world.txt.go # # # type: bool # default: false spread = false # [lcf] log changed files when spread is active lcf = true # [debug] is a debug mode where the files are read directly from the file # sytem. Useful for web dev when files change when the server is running. # type: bool # default: false debug = false # type: array of objects [[custom]] # type: array of strings files = ["./flags/*.png"] # base is the path that will be removed from all files' path # type: string base = "./flags/" # prefix is the path that will be added to all files' path # type: string prefix = "" # build tags for this set of files # it will only work if spread mode is enabled tags = "" # end: custom # type: array of objects [[custom]] # type: array of strings files = ["./icon/*"] # base is the path that will be removed from all files' path # type: string base = "./" # prefix is the path that will be added to all files' path # type: string prefix = "" # build tags for this set of files # it will only work if spread mode is enabled tags = "" # end: custom # type: array of objects [[custom]] # type: array of strings files = ["*.glade"] # base is the path that will be removed from all files' path # type: string base = "" # prefix is the path that will be added to all files' path # type: string prefix = "" # build tags for this set of files # it will only work if spread mode is enabled tags = "" # end: custom