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<H1 align="right"><A name="BASICS"><IMG align="right" alt="2" height="100"
hspace="10" src="2.gif" width="100"></A>Getting Started with Mini-XML</H1>
<P>This chapter describes how to write programs that use Mini-XML to
access data in an XML file. Mini-XML provides the following
<LI>Functions for creating and managing XML documents in memory.</LI>
<LI>Reading of UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoded XML files and strings.</LI>
<LI>Writing of UTF-8 encoded XML files and strings.</LI>
<LI>Support for arbitrary element names, attributes, and attribute
values with no preset limits, just available memory.</LI>
<LI>Support for integer, real, opaque (&quot;CDATA&quot;), and text data types in
&quot;leaf&quot; nodes.</LI>
<LI>&quot;Find&quot;, &quot;index&quot;, and &quot;walk&quot; functions for easily accessing data in
an XML document.</LI>
<P>Mini-XML doesn't do validation or other types of processing on the
data based upon schema files or other sources of definition
information, nor does it support character entities other than those
required by the XML specification.</P>
<H2><A NAME="3_1">The Basics</A></H2>
<P>Mini-XML provides a single header file which you include:</P>
#include &lt;mxml.h&gt;
<P>The Mini-XML library is included with your program using the <KBD>
-lmxml</KBD> option:</P>
<KBD>gcc -o myprogram myprogram.c -lmxml ENTER</KBD>
<P>If you have the <TT>pkg-config(1)</TT> software installed, you can
use it to determine the proper compiler and linker options for your
<KBD>pkg-config --cflags mxml ENTER</KBD>
<KBD>pkg-config --libs mxml ENTER</KBD>
<H2><A NAME="3_2">Nodes</A></H2>
<P>Every piece of information in an XML file is stored in memory in
&quot;nodes&quot;. Nodes are defined by the <A href="reference.html#mxml_node_t"><TT>
mxml_node_t</TT></A> structure. Each node has a typed value, optional
user data, a parent node, sibling nodes (previous and next), and
potentially child nodes.</P>
<P>For example, if you have an XML file like the following:</P>
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?&gt;
<P>the node tree for the file would look like the following in memory:</P>
?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?
node - node - node - group - node - node
| | | | | |
val1 val2 val3 | val7 val8
node - node - node
| | |
val4 val5 val6
<P>where &quot;-&quot; is a pointer to the sibling node and &quot;|&quot; is a pointer to
the first child or parent node.</P>
<P>The <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetType"><TT>mxmlGetType</TT></A>
function gets the type of a node, one of <TT>MXML_CUSTOM</TT>, <TT>
MXML_REAL</TT>, or <TT>MXML_TEXT</TT>. The parent and sibling nodes are
accessed using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetParent"><TT>
mxmlGetParent</TT></A>, <A href="#mxmlGetNext"><TT>mxmlGetNext</TT></A>,
and <A href="#mxmlGetPrevious"><TT>mxmlGetPrevious</TT></A> functions.
The <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetUserData"><TT>mxmlGetUserData</TT></A>
function gets any user data associated with the node.</P>
<H3><A NAME="3_2_1">CDATA Nodes</A></H3>
<P>CDATA (<TT>MXML_ELEMENT</TT>) nodes are created using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewCDATA">
<TT>mxmlNewCDATA</TT></A> function. The <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetCDATA">
<TT>mxmlGetCDATA</TT></A> function retrieves the CDATA string pointer
for a node.</P>
<P>CDATA nodes are currently stored in memory as special elements. This
will be changed in a future major release of Mini-XML.</P>
<H3><A NAME="3_2_2">Custom Nodes</A></H3>
<P>Custom (<TT>MXML_CUSTOM</TT>) nodes are created using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewCustom">
<TT>mxmlNewCustom</TT></A> function or using a custom load callback
specified using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlSetCustomHandlers"><TT>
mxmlSetCustomHandlers</TT></A> function. The <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetCustom">
<TT>mxmlGetCustom</TT></A> function retrieves the custom value pointer
for a node.</P>
<H3><A NAME="3_2_3">Comment Nodes</A></H3>
<P>Comment (<TT>MXML_ELEMENT</TT>) nodes are created using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewElement">
<TT>mxmlNewElement</TT></A> function. The <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetElement">
<TT>mxmlGetElement</TT></A> function retrieves the comment string
pointer for a node, including the surrounding &quot;!--&quot; and &quot;--&quot;
<P>Comment nodes are currently stored in memory as special elements.
This will be changed in a future major release of Mini-XML.</P>
<H3><A NAME="3_2_4">Element Nodes</A></H3>
<P>Element (<TT>MXML_ELEMENT</TT>) nodes are created using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewElement">
<TT>mxmlNewElement</TT></A> function. The <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetElement">
<TT>mxmlGetElement</TT></A> function retrieves the element name, the <A href="reference.html#mxmlElementGetAttr">
<TT>mxmlElementGetAttr</TT></A> function retrieves the value string for
a named attribute associated with the element, and the <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetFirstChild">
<TT>mxmlGetFirstChild</TT></A> and <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetLastChild">
<TT>mxmlGetLastChild</TT></A> functions retrieve the first and last
child nodes for the element, respectively.</P>
<H3><A NAME="3_2_5">Integer Nodes</A></H3>
<P>Integer (<TT>MXML_INTEGER</TT>) nodes are created using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewInteger">
<TT>mxmlNewInteger</TT></A> function. The <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetInteger">
<TT>mxmlGetInteger</TT></A> function retrieves the integer value for a
<H3><A NAME="3_2_6">Opaque Nodes</A></H3>
<P>Opaque (<TT>MXML_OPAQUE</TT>) nodes are created using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewOpaque">
<TT>mxmlNewOpaque</TT></A> function. The <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetOpaque">
<TT>mxmlGetOpaque</TT></A> function retrieves the opaque string pointer
for a node. Opaque nodes are like string nodes but preserve all
whitespace between nodes.</P>
<H3><A NAME="3_2_7">Text Nodes</A></H3>
<P>Text (<TT>MXML_TEXT</TT>) nodes are created using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewText">
<TT>mxmlNewText</TT></A> and <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewTextf"><TT>
mxmlNewTextf</TT></A> functions. Each text node consists of a text
string and (leading) whitespace value - the <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetText">
<TT>mxmlGetText</TT></A> function retrieves the text string pointer and
whitespace value for a node.</P>
<!-- NEED 12 -->
<H3><A NAME="3_2_8">Processing Instruction Nodes</A></H3>
<P>Processing instruction (<TT>MXML_ELEMENT</TT>) nodes are created
using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewElement"><TT>mxmlNewElement</TT>
</A> function. The <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetElement"><TT>
mxmlGetElement</TT></A> function retrieves the processing instruction
string for a node, including the surrounding &quot;?&quot; characters.</P>
<P>Processing instruction nodes are currently stored in memory as
special elements. This will be changed in a future major release of
<H3><A NAME="3_2_9">Real Number Nodes</A></H3>
<P>Real number (<TT>MXML_REAL</TT>) nodes are created using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewReal">
<TT>mxmlNewReal</TT></A> function. The <A href="reference.html#mxmlGetReal">
<TT>mxmlGetReal</TT></A> function retrieves the CDATA string pointer for
a node.</P>
<!-- NEED 15 -->
<H3><A NAME="3_2_10">XML Declaration Nodes</A></H3>
<P>XML declaration (<TT>MXML_ELEMENT</TT>) nodes are created using the <A
href="reference.html#mxmlNewXML"><TT>mxmlNewXML</TT></A> function. The <A
function retrieves the XML declaration string for a node, including the
surrounding &quot;?&quot; characters.</P>
<P>XML declaration nodes are currently stored in memory as special
elements. This will be changed in a future major release of Mini-XML.</P>
<!-- NEW PAGE -->
<H2><A NAME="3_3">Creating XML Documents</A></H2>
<P>You can create and update XML documents in memory using the various <TT>
mxmlNew</TT> functions. The following code will create the XML document
described in the previous section:</P>
mxml_node_t *xml; /* &lt;?xml ... ?&gt; */
mxml_node_t *data; /* &lt;data&gt; */
mxml_node_t *node; /* &lt;node&gt; */
mxml_node_t *group; /* &lt;group&gt; */
xml = mxmlNewXML(&quot;1.0&quot;);
data = mxmlNewElement(xml, &quot;data&quot;);
node = mxmlNewElement(data, &quot;node&quot;);
mxmlNewText(node, 0, &quot;val1&quot;);
node = mxmlNewElement(data, &quot;node&quot;);
mxmlNewText(node, 0, &quot;val2&quot;);
node = mxmlNewElement(data, &quot;node&quot;);
mxmlNewText(node, 0, &quot;val3&quot;);
group = mxmlNewElement(data, &quot;group&quot;);
node = mxmlNewElement(group, &quot;node&quot;);
mxmlNewText(node, 0, &quot;val4&quot;);
node = mxmlNewElement(group, &quot;node&quot;);
mxmlNewText(node, 0, &quot;val5&quot;);
node = mxmlNewElement(group, &quot;node&quot;);
mxmlNewText(node, 0, &quot;val6&quot;);
node = mxmlNewElement(data, &quot;node&quot;);
mxmlNewText(node, 0, &quot;val7&quot;);
node = mxmlNewElement(data, &quot;node&quot;);
mxmlNewText(node, 0, &quot;val8&quot;);
<!-- NEED 6 -->
<P>We start by creating the declaration node common to all XML files
using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewXML"><TT>mxmlNewXML</TT></A>
xml = mxmlNewXML(&quot;1.0&quot;);
<P>We then create the <TT>&lt;data&gt;</TT> node used for this document using
17 years ago
the <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewElement"><TT>mxmlNewElement</TT></A>
function. The first argument specifies the parent node (<TT>xml</TT>)
while the second specifies the element name (<TT>data</TT>):</P>
data = mxmlNewElement(xml, &quot;data&quot;);
<P>Each <TT>&lt;node&gt;...&lt;/node&gt;</TT> in the file is created using the <TT>
17 years ago
mxmlNewElement</TT> and <A href="reference.html#mxmlNewText"><TT>
mxmlNewText</TT></A> functions. The first argument of <TT>mxmlNewText</TT>
specifies the parent node (<TT>node</TT>). The second argument
specifies whether whitespace appears before the text - 0 or false in
this case. The last argument specifies the actual text to add:</P>
node = mxmlNewElement(data, &quot;node&quot;);
mxmlNewText(node, 0, &quot;val1&quot;);
<P>The resulting in-memory XML document can then be saved or processed
just like one loaded from disk or a string.</P>
<!-- NEED 15 -->
<H2><A NAME="3_4">Loading XML</A></H2>
17 years ago
<P>You load an XML file using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlLoadFile"><TT>
mxmlLoadFile</TT></A> function:</P>
FILE *fp;
mxml_node_t *tree;
fp = fopen(&quot;filename.xml&quot;, &quot;r&quot;);
tree = mxmlLoadFile(NULL, fp,
<P>The first argument specifies an existing XML parent node, if any.
Normally you will pass <TT>NULL</TT> for this argument unless you are
combining multiple XML sources. The XML file must contain a complete
XML document including the <TT>?xml</TT> element if the parent node is <TT>
<P>The second argument specifies the stdio file to read from, as opened
by <TT>fopen()</TT> or <TT>popen()</TT>. You can also use <TT>stdin</TT>
if you are implementing an XML filter program.</P>
<P>The third argument specifies a callback function which returns the
value type of the immediate children for a new element node: <TT>
callbacks are described in detail in <A href="advanced.html#LOAD_CALLBACKS">
Chapter 3</A>. The example code uses the <TT>MXML_TEXT_CALLBACK</TT>
constant which specifies that all data nodes in the document contain
whitespace-separated text values. Other standard callbacks include <TT>
17 years ago
<P>The <A href="reference.html#mxmlLoadString"><TT>mxmlLoadString</TT></A>
function loads XML node trees from a string:</P>
<!-- NEED 10 -->
char buffer[8192];
mxml_node_t *tree;
tree = mxmlLoadString(NULL, buffer,
<P>The first and third arguments are the same as used for <TT>
mxmlLoadFile()</TT>. The second argument specifies the string or
character buffer to load and must be a complete XML document including
the <TT>?xml</TT> element if the parent node is <TT>NULL</TT>.</P>
<!-- NEED 15 -->
<H2><A NAME="3_5">Saving XML</A></H2>
17 years ago
<P>You save an XML file using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlSaveFile"><TT>
mxmlSaveFile</TT></A> function:</P>
FILE *fp;
mxml_node_t *tree;
fp = fopen(&quot;filename.xml&quot;, &quot;w&quot;);
mxmlSaveFile(tree, fp, MXML_NO_CALLBACK);
<P>The first argument is the XML node tree to save. It should normally
be a pointer to the top-level <TT>?xml</TT> node in your XML document.</P>
<P>The second argument is the stdio file to write to, as opened by <TT>
fopen()</TT> or <TT>popen()</TT>. You can also use <TT>stdout</TT> if
you are implementing an XML filter program.</P>
<P>The third argument is the whitespace callback to use when saving the
file. Whitespace callbacks are covered in detail in <A href="SAVE_CALLBACKS">
Chapter 3</A>. The previous example code uses the <TT>MXML_NO_CALLBACK</TT>
constant to specify that no special whitespace handling is required.</P>
17 years ago
<P>The <A href="reference.html#mxmlSaveAllocString"><TT>
mxmlSaveAllocString</TT></A>, and <A href="reference.html#mxmlSaveString">
<TT>mxmlSaveString</TT></A> functions save XML node trees to strings:</P>
char buffer[8192];
char *ptr;
mxml_node_t *tree;
mxmlSaveString(tree, buffer, sizeof(buffer),
ptr = mxmlSaveAllocString(tree, MXML_NO_CALLBACK);
<P>The first and last arguments are the same as used for <TT>
mxmlSaveFile()</TT>. The <TT>mxmlSaveString</TT> function takes pointer
and size arguments for saving the XML document to a fixed-size buffer,
while <TT>mxmlSaveAllocString()</TT> returns a string buffer that was
allocated using <TT>malloc()</TT>.</P>
<!-- NEED 15 -->
<H3><A NAME="3_5_1">Controlling Line Wrapping</A></H3>
<P>When saving XML documents, Mini-XML normally wraps output lines at
17 years ago
column 75 so that the text is readable in terminal windows. The <A href="reference.html#mxmlSetWrapMargin">
<TT>mxmlSetWrapMargin</TT></A> function overrides the default wrap
/* Set the margin to 132 columns */
/* Disable wrapping */
<H2><A NAME="3_6">Memory Management</A></H2>
<P>Once you are done with the XML data, use the <A href="reference.html#mxmlDelete">
<TT>mxmlDelete</TT></A> function to recursively free the memory that is
used for a particular node or the entire tree:</P>
<P>You can also use reference counting to manage memory usage. The <A href="reference.html#mxmlRetain">
<TT>mxmlRetain</TT></A> and <A href="reference.html#mxmlRelease"><TT>
mxmlRelease</TT></A> functions increment and decrement a node's use
count, respectively. When the use count goes to 0, <TT>mxmlRelease</TT>
will automatically call <TT>mxmlDelete</TT> to actually free the memory
used by the node tree. New nodes automatically start with a use count
of 1.</P>
<!-- NEW PAGE-->
<H2><A NAME="3_7">Finding and Iterating Nodes</A></H2>
17 years ago
<P>The <A href="reference.html#mxmlWalkPrev"><TT>mxmlWalkPrev</TT></A>
and <A href="reference.html#mxmlWalkNext"><TT>mxmlWalkNext</TT></A>
functions can be used to iterate through the XML node tree:</P>
mxml_node_t *node;
node = mxmlWalkPrev(current, tree,
node = mxmlWalkNext(current, tree,
17 years ago
<P>In addition, you can find a named element/node using the <A href="reference.html#mxmlFindElement">
<TT>mxmlFindElement</TT></A> function:</P>
mxml_node_t *node;
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, &quot;name&quot;,
&quot;attr&quot;, &quot;value&quot;,
<P>The <TT>name</TT>, <TT>attr</TT>, and <TT>value</TT> arguments can be
passed as <TT>NULL</TT> to act as wildcards, e.g.:</P>
<!-- NEED 4 -->
/* Find the first &quot;a&quot; element */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, &quot;a&quot;,
<!-- NEED 5 -->
/* Find the first &quot;a&quot; element with &quot;href&quot;
attribute */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, &quot;a&quot;,
&quot;href&quot;, NULL,
<!-- NEED 6 -->
/* Find the first &quot;a&quot; element with &quot;href&quot;
to a URL */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, &quot;a&quot;,
<!-- NEED 5 -->
/* Find the first element with a &quot;src&quot;
attribute */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, NULL,
&quot;src&quot;, NULL,
<!-- NEED 5 -->
/* Find the first element with a &quot;src&quot;
= &quot;foo.jpg&quot; */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, NULL,
&quot;src&quot;, &quot;foo.jpg&quot;,
<P>You can also iterate with the same function:</P>
mxml_node_t *node;
for (node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree,
node != NULL;
node = mxmlFindElement(node, tree,
... do something ...
<!-- NEED 10 -->
<P>The <TT>MXML_DESCEND</TT> argument can actually be one of three
<LI><TT>MXML_NO_DESCEND</TT> means to not to look at any child nodes in
the element hierarchy, just look at siblings at the same level or
parent nodes until the top node or top-of-tree is reached.
<P>The previous node from &quot;group&quot; would be the &quot;node&quot; element to the
left, while the next node from &quot;group&quot; would be the &quot;node&quot; element to
the right.
<LI><TT>MXML_DESCEND_FIRST</TT> means that it is OK to descend to the
first child of a node, but not to descend further when searching.
You'll normally use this when iterating through direct children of a
parent node, e.g. all of the &quot;node&quot; and &quot;group&quot; elements under the
&quot;?xml&quot; parent node in the example above.
<P>This mode is only applicable to the search function; the walk
functions treat this as <TT>MXML_DESCEND</TT> since every call is a
first time.
<LI><TT>MXML_DESCEND</TT> means to keep descending until you hit the
bottom of the tree. The previous node from &quot;group&quot; would be the &quot;val3&quot;
node and the next node would be the first node element under &quot;group&quot;.
<P>If you were to walk from the root node &quot;?xml&quot; to the end of the tree
with <TT>mxmlWalkNext()</TT>, the order would be:</P>
<P><TT>?xml data node val1 node val2 node val3 group node val4 node val5
node val6 node val7 node val8</TT></P>
<P>If you started at &quot;val8&quot; and walked using <TT>mxmlWalkPrev()</TT>,
the order would be reversed, ending at &quot;?xml&quot;.</P>
<H2><A NAME="3_8">Finding Specific Nodes</A></H2>
<P>You can find specific nodes in the tree using the <A href="#mxmlFindValue">
<TT>mxmlFindPath</TT></A>, for example:</P>
mxml_node_t *value;
value = mxmlFindPath(tree, &quot;path/to/*/foo/bar&quot;);
<P>The second argument is a &quot;path&quot; to the parent node. Each component of
the path is separated by a slash (/) and represents a named element in
the document tree or a wildcard (*) path representing 0 or more
intervening nodes.</P>
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